New Enterprise pulverized aglime is available in bulk or by the bag to meet the needs of farmers and commercial applicators as well as homeowners. Pulverized limestone application helps maintain proper soil pH levels and replenishes vital calcium and magnesium nutrients to help maintain fertile soil conditions in plant root zones and ensure that your […]
Aglime Benefits Plant Nutrient Availability Chart Soil pH Adjustments Based On Aglime Particle Size Why Liming Is Important – Penn State Center for Turfgrass Science Recommended Application Rates Aglime Application Rate based on CCE Aglime Quality Guarantees New Enterprise Agricultural Limestone Guarantees
520 Lime Quarry Rd
Gap, PA 17527
(800) 543-3860
(717) 335-4503
Tony Paolino
(717) 354-1303 (o) (717) 617-8247 (c)
220 Park Rd
Winfield, PA 17889
(800) 426-7334
390 Quarry Rd
New Holland, PA 17557
(800) 543-3860
(717) 335-4503
Joe Kepiro
(717) 354-1306 (o) (717) 587-4787 (c)
Tony Paolino
(717) 354-1303 (o) (717) 617-8247 (c)
2056 Turkey Point Rd
Felton, DE 19943
Anthony Paolino
717-617-8247 (c)
Tim Sprecher
717-587-4791 (c)
230 Dales Quarry Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837
(800) 426-7334
526 Ashcom Rd
Everett, PA 15537
(800) 426-7334
(800) 423-0585
(800) 426-7334
Mike Eichelberger
(814) 937-9232 (c)
Adrian Snyder
(814) 330-2425 (c)
Our Diamond-Gro™ products are designed for the sports turf market and for storm water management projects. New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc. is a leading supplier of compost, custom-blended soils, and topsoils developed in consultation with the Lancaster County Conservation District, Penn State University, and various landscape designers. Each of the products is manufactured […]
New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc. aggregate products include limestone, dolomite, sandstone, quartzite, and gravel in sizes ranging from pulverized stone to large rip rap and boulders. Our variety of aggregate sizes and properties are mined and produced throughout Pennsylvania and Western New York and used in highway and road construction; HMA and ready-mixed concrete production; and […]